Wednesday, March 15, 2006

gray hair, wine stained lips, cheesy tummy and braces?

recently i've been noticing a new phenomenon in my life. not a whack you over the head thing - just a slow seepage - slowly seeping (sorry i love to play with words like that)...i do not recognize myself in the mirror - AT ALL. you can catch me on occasional morning deeply staring into my own eyes with a wonderment type of feeling ...who is this masked women looking back at me? in the past i usually giggle at myself and move on. except lately. lately i am really looking, like the way you really check to make sure your dog does not in fact have fleas. really looking to make sure you don't have two more wrinkles from the night before.

the first time i did this...carefully... i yelped like a stepped on pup. yikes! i have brown aging spots on my temples - not little freckly ones. BIG I AM MAKING MYSELF KNOWN ones...upon further review. i need botox! (ok you know i live in the cradle of botox/new boobs/nosejob/tummy tucks {although i must say these are looking better each day} civilization and i am indeed joking) i have a permafrown between my eyebrows and stretch as i try - it ain't moving. it could be from 11yrs as a middle school teacher in a large school in soCal (i'm blaming it on this - oh the fodder for another day - rest assured)

gray hair - now to be honest, i don't care about gray hair that much. if i had a few strands - fine. the fact that left untamed, my hair would do a perfect imitation of Frankenstein's bride is a bit much for even me - tom boy. yet i toil on - coloring as infrequently as possible to avoid screaming adolescents scurrying like freddie krueger is here from the classroom. HOWEVER.. i found a gray hair - THERE - yes you know where i am talking about - THERE. admittedly i was stunned. stunned in the way you wonder will i live on...a gray 2 inch hair proudly proclaiming she is here and proud of it. sheeeeiiiitttt!

so i'm getting braces on tues - just to make myself feel more balanced with my own perception - gray hair, wine stained lips and freakin' braces. aaahhh life. good stuff. oh the (i need to make my own acronym) husband is needing attention. must run. i am after all the diligent wife.


Trabinski said...

oh the giggles!! you are making me cry!!

please do post a picture once the braces are on!! :)

Bobita said...



(You can't hear me...but I'm crackin' up!)

I loved your description of trying to make the little line between your eyes smooth away...I've sooo done that!!