Sunday, February 11, 2007

Why I Love the Heartts

J. Howard - "Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are - you need one."

shuffling through the iPhoto i was struck by the absolute hilariousness of this family. each photo made me laugh at the boldness of each character. speedo man is my uncle greg who has a sense of humor and tenderness that rivals any enlightened man. harley man is my father in law looking great on his Road King. I get to ride with this man and see him laugh with that "crazy laugh" after a good ride together as the Black Widows (our family motorcycle club - an homage to "Any Which Way You Can" w/Clint Eastwood.) Oh and we are "patched" with our own black widow patches on each of our jackets. (Got to ride a HOG to understand.)

I also realized that these people from Day One have taken me in like their own and will do anything for me. They truly are the Heartts - loyal to the essence and well - they crack you up along the way. Unconditional acceptance has been all I have known from this group. Warty? Yes. Stubborn? As all hell. Kick your ass because you hurt me? You bet. And yet these big guys will be the first to step up and give you the big bear hug you need when it all goes to shit. In a blogger world of us girls, I wanted to give a holla to the big guys in my life that rock....that's the Heartt way and I love 'em for it!!

1 comment:

Bobita said...

You TOTALLY made me cry!

(Well, and laugh. Because, oh my god, that speedo rocks!!)